Sunday, June 17, 2018

The C640 Project

The C640 is a fantasy successor to the Commodore 64.  It is imagined as a computer that Commodore could have made in the mid-1980s, but didn't.

My design constraints are

  • It must 'feel' like a Commodore 64 (only better)
  • It should be moderately compatible
  • It should be feasible to have been manufactured in mid-1980s technology
  • Working on it must make me happy
The first three constraints will be broken any time they conflict with the fourth.  You can expect an end-result that doesn't feel very Commodore 64ish to you, won't run your favourite games, and does a few things that couldn't have been done at the time.  This is just for fun, and I'm not going to be a purist about anything.

So far, I have a reasonably worked-out design for the processor (which is called the 65020), a sketch of some improvements to VIC, and a few vague ideas of improvements to SID.  The 65020 has an assembler and simulator, and is capable of running the Commodore 64 ROMs with a few modifications.

So let's start...

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